joi, 20 mai 2010

Atacul ACDC asupra inocentilor tineri romani ascultatori de HIQ

Sunt mandru de acest titlu care nu spune nimic, asa cum e frumos. Am avut o scurta perioada de enervare citind niste opinii foarte avizate in legatura cu concertul AC/DC. Dupa care m-am linistit. Intotdeauna o sa fie cate un habotnic care o sa vina cu ipoteza satanico-masona-iudaica legat de orice. Sau orice combinatie de acest gen. Lumea merge prost din cauza evreilor, rock-ului, masonilor, etc. Ce bine era pe vremea legionarilor... Cam astea sunt concluziile.
Imi e groaza sa ies prin Cluj, exista oricand riscul sa dau peste domnul Eufrosin. Fost rocker, actual trezit la realitate, pastor al noii generatii.

P.S. Era sa uit de ceilalti vinovati. Desigur, ungurii.

10 comentarii:

Ingineru spunea...

Cred că şi ACDC sunt unguri, dacă nu mă înşel.

Ingineru spunea...

Eufrosin e tare. E ca piatra ce o aruncă un prost în apă şi se chinuie 100 de deştepţi să o scoată.

Unknown spunea...

ACDC sunt masoni si Illuminati inainte de a fi unguri. Procentual vorbind.
Stiu, Eufrosin e cel mai tare. Ca piatra.

Angus spunea...

my friend, you have no idea 'bout what rock'n'roll is and, as a consequence, you're unable to understand why we're literally taking you on the highway to hell.

but that's ok, just rise your hands and screaaaaaaaam!!!

poor Vicus, vae victis.

Unknown spunea...

Dear Angus, you seem to be stupid enough not to understand irony. I was mocking an absurd take on ACDC from a Christian blog. And it's really not a subtle irony...
And you definitely didn't listen the music from my embedded player and you certainly did not see my musical preferences.

Antiignorantu spunea...

apreciez acel coment... cine vrea citeste am secretara ptr. aranjat si nici timp ... ms de timpul acordat...

Angus spunea...

What I seem is not what I am, my dear Vicus. Isn't that a lesson in itself?

You was mocking...oh, really, are you capable of irony, dear Vicus? I guess you're a bit overrated in your own eye.

But you seem pretty alike a young man I know - who thinks he knows something 'bout life. Of course, life as a general perspective of things..projected onto others not on himself.
Well, well, well, my dear mockingbirdie, you have no idea...

Unknown spunea...

Dude, you keep saying the same things... I am 31 years old, I play guitar for about 18 years now, I listen rock and jazz 24/7, I like ACDC a lot, I don't like bigots (hence the irony on that guy's blog). I'm afraid we are talking about different things here. Or you have some issues with translation from Romanian to English. You should ask for a translation if this is the case. Maybe this would remove your total confusion.

Angus spunea...

"Dude"? Come ooon, you can do better than this, young man.

I keep saying the same things? I guess it's called persistence.

So, you're saying you don't like "bigots" but it seems you're capable to recognize them for that matter. And you can only do that if you're a "bigot" as well.

but that's ok, just rise your hands and screaaaaaaaam!!!

Unknown spunea...

"So, you're saying you don't like "bigots" but it seems you're capable to recognize them for that matter. And you can only do that if you're a "bigot" as well. " - I do hope you're joking. You have to possess some form of logic.
What exactly does it bothers you? The fact that I like AC/DC? Or the fact that I was mocking that religious fellow? Or you don't understand the article at all?